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Welcome to Xenocosm!


What is Xenocosm, you ask?


Well quite simply, Xenocosm is a science fiction adventure webcomic that explores science fiction and adventure.


It's about a group of humans and aliens living and working together on a far away planet of the distant future in a strange universe.  It features  bizarre creatures, cute robots, ancient artifacts, fantastic machines, and lots of other weird things I like about science fiction.  It's a place where all the strange drawings and stranger ideas I've ever had can come to life, and tell an entertaining story.


So... if you like science fiction and comics, come see some of the strange stories from a stranger universe called Xeocosm.  I think you'll like it.


                                                                                                                 -John Waltrip

It's best to begin at the beginning.


The first Xenocosm story starts with chapter 1:

"The ChronoScope Connection".


It started out as a ten page short story for Prophecy Anthology Magazine, but was never printed due to fiancial difficulties at the publisher.    I decided to continue working on the story anyway, and it grew to 32 pages before it was completed.  And although some of the plot lines and story threads aren't tied up neatly at the end, I think it has a relatively satisfactory conclusion.  


I had always planned to continue Xenocosm with more stories, but unfortunately life has a way of deciding what you can and cannot do.  I simple do not have the time to devote to this project at present.  Perhaps later.


So, if you're still reading this, and you want to read an original sci-fi story with original characters, just click on the "chapter 1" menu button to begin your journey.  Enjoy.


Thank you.

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